Betty Delivery Worldwide Prohibited Items
Prohibited Items
Betty Delivery Worldwide's core business is moving compatible parcels.

USA Message


A compatible parcel must fit within the following measurements:













And Must:

  • be made of cardboard, plastic or paperboard
  • have a flat base to travel on the sorter equipment
  • have a maximum weight of 25kg


Non Compatible:

A non-compatible parcel is one that does not fit into the category above.

Examples include non-hazardous goods.

Goods Not Accepted For Carriage:

  • Alcoholic spirits
  • Antiques
  • Any articles (or part of them) that are made up of china, glass, porcelain, earthenware or other similar materials
  • Art
  • Beds
  • Birds
  • Body parts
  • Cash
  • Cheques
  • Dangerous goods
  • Dead animals
  • Domestic appliances (washing machines, dryers, fridges)
  • Engines
  • Firearms
  • Fish
  • Flammable goods
  • Frozen or perishable food
  • Furniture (including flat-packed)
  • Furs
  • Glass
  • Granite products
  • Hazardous goods
  • Headboards
  • Human remains
  • Jewellery (including watches)
  • Legal or business documents
  • Liquids of any kind
  • Living or dead animals
  • Living organism of any type
  • Marble products
  • Machines
  • Mattresses
  • Personal items
  • Petrol or diesel tanks (full or empty) in any item
  • Plants
  • Precious metals (including gold or silver items)
  • Televisions or monitors over 26" screen diagonal (including plasmas and LCDs)
  • Toner Cartridges
  • Trees
  • Tyres
  • Vegetables
  • Vouchers with a face value


  • Items that cannot be handled by one person.
  • Items that can cause direct physical damage to an individual or to other goods.
  • Any goods prohibited by law.



  • Goods subject to licences, anti-dumping or counterveiling duties are not accepted for carriage on our standard International Network.
  • Customers are responsible for providing export paperwork and an accurate description of the goods with a commodity code; if the commodity code is missing we will use the general commodity heading based on the description of the goods. If we are in any doubt, we reserve the right to hold the goods for further information or return them after 3 days.
  • Any goods prohibited by the law or regulation of any government or public local authority of any country where the goods are carried.