Betty Delivery Worldwide for all your online shipping needs
Privacy Policy

This Policy applies to the use of personal data collected through the Site, i.e. data which relates to an identifiable individual, for example, names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers ("Customer Information").

By using the Site you consent to the use of Customer Information as set out in this Policy.


Collection of Customer Information - Customer Information that you submit.

Visitors to the Site can make use of the majority of the services provided, without disclosing any personal information. However, to take full advantage of the interactive services such as track it and ship@ease, you may be required to provide personal and/or business details. Information that you submit to us, for instance by sending us an email enquiring ABOUT US a service or by ordering a service, will be recorded byBetty Delivery Worldwide and will be used for the purposes set out below.


Internetworking Protocol Addresses

An internetworking protocol address ("IP Address") is a number automatically assigned to your computer on connecting to the Internet. Betty Delivery Worldwide will make a record of your IP Address and may use it for administrative, security and statistical purposes.


Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Customer Information is used to provide and/or enhance the services we offer to you.

Betty Delivery Worldwide may also use Customer Information to keep you informed of new products and/or services that we are offering and think you may find of value.

Betty Delivery Worldwide will not provide or sell Customer Information to any third party not affiliated withBetty Delivery Worldwide other than in the circumstances set out below:

We may disclose Customer Information to our agents and contractors in order to provide services to you.

We may provide Customer Information to credit reference agencies.

We reserve the right to release Customer Information when we believe that release is appropriate in order to comply with law or regulation or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our employees, agents or customers, or other third parties.

We may also transfer Customer Information if we reorganise our business and/or sell part of our business (Customer Information may be one of the business assets transferred to the purchaser).

We may from time to time use your personal information to send you information by telephone, fax, email or post ABOUT US our company, our special offers and other information that you may find useful. We may also telephone you to discuss quotations given via the website. If you do not wish to receive this information please advise us on 0121 500 2500


Security of Customer Information

Betty Delivery Worldwide understands that privacy is important to you. We will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the Customer Information that we hold ABOUT US you remains confidential. Information security techniques and controls, such as firewalls, anti-virus software and access control procedures are deployed to protect against:

  • unauthorised access;
  • improper use or disclosure;
  • unauthorised modification; and
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss.

Customer Information is handled on a 'Need to Know' basis and access is only provided to those employees who have a legitimate need for that information for the purposes of our business.


Telephone Call Recording

To help us continually improve our service and in the interests of security, we may monitor and/or record your telephone calls with us.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a series of data characters which is stored on your computer's hard drive by your web-browser. The next time you visit the Site (using the same computer) our server will recognise the cookie and provide us with information ABOUT US your last visit.

Cookies are used on theBetty Delivery Worldwide Site to enable us to customise pages for you based on your web-browser type or the information you may have provided to the Site.

If you do not want a Cookie to be stored on your hard drive you should select the appropriate options on your web-browser. Please refer to your web-browser provider or system user guide for detailed information on disabling cookies. Please be aware that disabling cookies will prevent the correct operation of track it and ship@ease services.